Documentary that uses memory to envision a future of changes, from a female perspective. The film follows the trajectory of Shirley Krenak and Maria Zelzuita, women who are at the forefront of the struggle for land in Brazil. Shirley's mission is to honor the women and wisdom of the Krenak Warriors, from the region of Minas Gerais. Maria Zelzuita is one of the survivors of the massacre in Eldorado dos Carajás, in the state of Pará, and her trajectories connect us to the concept of violence and appropriation of the female body. Through their stories, it becomes more and more latent that the Earth as a female BEING resists, but that humanity depends on decisions right now for a possible future. The film does not intend to give answers, it just leaves us with a question: "What kind of fertilizer do you want to be for Mother Earth?", as Shirley Krenak asks.
Maria Zelzuita, Shirley Krenak
- Directed by: Susanna Lira
- Written by: Gretha Viana, Italo Rocha, Muriel Alves
- Production: Susanna Lira, Tito Gomes
- Cinematography: Cícero Pedrosa, Rafael Mazza
- Editing: Italo Rocha
- Sound Mixing: Amilson Lessa Vieira, Tito Gomes
- Executive Production: Lívia Nunes, Susanna Lira