Brazil has the shameful title of "last Western country to abolish slavery", as it only occurred in 1888. The Last Abolition deals with slavery in Brazil with a special focus on the period of abolition, highlighting the abolitionist movements ; slave resistance, and strategies of struggle of the enslaved and freedmen; the role of black women in the resistance; the discussions of the country's political and cultural elite in the period; culminating in the signing of the Lei Áurea and its consequences for the black population of Brazil, post-abolition to the present day. By showing the protagonism of the black people in the struggle for their liberation, this documentary will contribute to the debate of Brazilian history and the formation of our culture, generating a new focus on the theme, and strengthening the fight against racial prejudice.
Alexandre do Nascimento, Álvaro Pereira do Nascimento, Amilcar Araujo Pereira, Ana Flávia Magalhães Pinto, Ângela Alonso, Antônio Carlos Higino da Silva, Elciene Rizzato Azevedo, Fernando Conceição, Giovana Xavier, Hebe Mattos, Humberto Adami, João José Reis, Nielson Rosa Bezerra, Paulo Rangel, Sueli Carneiro, Tom Farias, Wlamyra Albuquerque
- Screenplay: Alice Gomes and Natara Ney
- Cinematography: Marcela Bourseau
- Editor: Natara Ney
- Graphic design and videography: Radiographic
- Original soundtrack: Tiganá Santana
- Production: Bianca De Felippes and Carla Esmeralda
- Executive Production: Tathiana Mourão