The documentary follows the trajectory of Ailton Krenak, indigenous leader from Minas Gerais, a descendant of the Krenak ethnic group, formerly called Botocudos. After studying in São Paulo, Ailton was active in the defense of indigenous peoples. While traveling through Brazil and the world, he became a kind of ambassador for the original Brazilian cultures. The film features images and testimonies of Ailton at different times in his life, as well as other characters that are part of his universe.
Ailton Krenak, Álvaro Tukano, Daiara Tukano, Darcy Ribeiro, Juca Ferreira, Marcos Terena, Marcos Vinício Chein, Mário Juruna, Rodrigo Arajeju, Vincent Carelli
- Directed by: Marco Altberg
- Written by: Marco Altberg and Ailton Krenak
- Original Music, Musical Direction and Performance: Egberto Gismonti
- Production: Marco Altberg
- Editing: Maria Altberg, edt.
- Director of Photography: Cleber Cruz and Daniel Neves
- Production company: Indiana Produções
- Serra Catarinense International Environmental Film Festival
- International socio-environmental film festival Planeta.doc.
- CineEco - Serra da Estrela International Environmental Film Festival