Every day in the late afternoon, elderly men and women gather to sing songs of love in the gardens of Catete Palace - Rio de Janeiro. They are the survivors of a vanishing Brazil. Their lives and their songs have been suddenly interrupted by the coronavirus pandemic. This film is a tribute to the beauty of a generation that has been decimated.
- Written and Directed by: Sérgio Trefaut
- Photography: Léo Bittencourt, Luis Abramo, Camila Freitas & Carlos Baptista
- Sound: João Henrique Costa
- Production Manager: Martin Bertier
- Editing: Sérgio Tréfaut, Bianca Oliveira & Mario Espada
- Mixing: Bruno Tarriere
- Production: Claire Dornoy, Serge Lalou, Sergio Trefaut
- Executive Producer: Veridiana Cardoso